A little birdie told us that Bohemia aka Roger David has been in India on a Tourist Visa granted for 3 months and while scrolling through the Social Media Handles of the Jaguar Hit maker it seems that he has been continuously performing commercially from the day he has arrived in Indian Sub-Continent and the Transactions for the performances were being done through his agent namely Mr. The Rapper has been found mingling with a lot of Celebrities during his India Visit and as per his Instagram Timeline he has even shot some songs with a few other Celebrities, again it raises the question of doubt on our beloved Rapper that is Roger David aka Bohemia a fraud, if not then why isn’t he clearing all the doubts about his current visit to India, to his fans and well-wisher. Since our birdie gave us such interesting insights on the famous rapper Bohemia, we conducted some of our own investigation via Social Media Scrolling of the Rapper’s account and what came to our notice was a shocker, our birdie sources was right Bohemia has been continuously performing since the day he landed on the Indian Sub-Continent.
Fraud Rapper - Bohemia Slapped With A Law Suit
Our sources also got some more trivial details about how the Transactions were being conducted on the Rapper’s behalf and we were in a shock to know that all the unaccounted Cash in name of Mr. As soon as the Jaguar Rapper arrived in India, he was straight away headed to Chandigarh and publically did a live performance at a famous Restaurant on 5th December 2018, then in few days i.e. on 16th December 2018 another gala performance by the rapper was done at a Hotel in Jaipur. Similarly the Famous Rapper performed at various weddings and social Functions and earned a crazy amount of unaccounted Money in Cash, which as per the law of the land is in Clear Violation to the tourist visa rules regarding Commercial Earnings, laid down by Government of India. Sahil and the same is being transferred to Bohemia’s Account via Hawala Transactions, which we clearly believe should be investigated at the earliest and tried through the law of the land, before the rapper fleas off with this unaccounted illegal money he earned on Tourist Visa to India.The said Mr. The said Roger David @ Bohemia applied for a tourist Visa without disclosing the fact that he shall be indulging commercial artist musical shows, which is a clear violation of the rules in the grant of a tourist visa.

The Rapper can been clearly seen meeting and performing In India since his Arrival and it can easily be witnessed on his Social Media Handles, while scrolling his Instagram feed we found that recently he was on set with Meet Brothers for the shoot of song, so that firmly confirms that the rapper is conducting certain commercial activity in India on a tourist visa, which is clearly questionable under law of the land. Upon arriving in India, the above person straight away reached Chandigarh and publically performed in a restaurant on 05.12.2018 and earned lakhs of rupees." Sahil would then act as a middle agent and transfer the ill-gotten earnings to Bohemia’s Bank Account in USA, bearing account details as Bank Name - Chase Bank, Account Holder – Roger David (real name of Bohemia), Bank Account Number – 734338213, Bank Address - 270, Park Avenue, New York 10017, USA, Bank Routing Number 021000021, Bank Swift Code: CHASUS833. The Advocate also mentioned a list of other venues in Delhi, Punjab and Jaipur where the rapper performed his gigs and earned a quite a ton of unaccounted income, which also validates our sources claims on the same facts.
Exposing Bohemia's Fraud Act
The said Mr. Sahil. Sahil would then act as a middle agent and transfer the ill-gotten earnings to Bohemia’s Bank Account in USA, bearing account details as Bank Name - Chase Bank, Account Holder – Roger David (real name of Bohemia), Bank Account Number – 734338213, Bank Address - 270, Park Avenue, New York 10017, USA, Bank Routing Number 021000021, Bank Swift Code: CHASUS833. If the Patola Hitmaker fleas off the country without any prior checks and investigation, for us Exposing Bohemia's Fraud Act he won’t remain the old beloved rapper but instead would be Bohemia - A Fraud Rapper, so as fellow Indians for a final time here we command a Fraud Rapper Bohemia in Legal Controversy full proof investigation of the above stated facts that is Bohemia - A Fraud Rapper or not.Some of the news portal leaked the news that the Transactions for tons of ill-earned unaccounted money were being done via hawala route in favor of the famous rapper, the more we research regarding this the more we get convinced that Bohemia is a Fraud Rapper, he is just trying to manipulate the Indian system and reaping the benefits out of it, that’s disgusting.
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